Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you start Savannah's Farm Fresh?
- I have a delicious product that needs to be shared.
- Buying food directly from farmers is a fun and personal connection.
- The local food movement is good for the community on so many levels. We love to do business with our local feed store, family-owned Center Locker and other farm families.
Where are your cattle processed?
My calves are processed in Center, Missouri at a family-owned processor, Center Locker Service. All beef is Missouri state inspected.
What type of cattle do you raise?
My calves are Charolais-Red Angus crossbreds. My mom, Sally, started raising Charolais almost 35-years ago as a 4H project! She has slowly grown her herd (Angell-Thomas Charolais) into an amazing 150-cow operation. I source my beef from her farm. While I’ve only been selling beef a few years, her years of hard work really show when it comes to our quality!
So, is that Certified Angus Beef (CAB)?
Nope, and that doesn’t hurt my feelings at all! CAB is a neat program that helps big stores hone in on specific qualities they want in their beef in a retail setting. My customers trust our years of selective Charolais breeding and emphasis on serving you a quality product - no CAB stamp needed.
Are your cattle Grass-Fed or Corn-Fed?
I like to think of them as a bit of a mix. Grass fed and corn finished. You can see in my pictures, lots of happy growing calves on green Missouri pastures. We use planned rotational grazing to manage our farm resources and keep our cattle healthy and happy.
I also supplement my weaned calves (when they are no longer nursing mom) with grain while they are grazing. I finish my calves on primarily grain. Corn-finished beef is known for having great flavor and more marbling.
I watched a crazy documentary on Netflix- what about organic, all-natural, hormones, antibiotics and GMOs?
Good questions. I am a science nerd, and I have a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science, so I love to learn about new research and tools that make farm life better for my farmland, animals and me. We pick and choose among these tools to fit our farm. I’m always willing to work with my veterinarian and I take my animal health very seriously. If this means giving a sick calf an antibiotic or using non-organic fertilizers on my hay pasture, I’m happy to use some of today’s amazing technology.
In my experience, many of my customers reach for these media buzz words to ask, is this a quality product? Will my family be healthier and happier? Do you care about your animals? In that case, it is an easy yes! No generic label needed.